The Chilkat River and its nearby waters are a major source of food for subsistence fishermen in Haines and Klukwan. That’s one reason decreased salmon runs are alarming in the Chilkat and other rivers in Southeast. Tribal leaders around the region are trying to get a handle on one factor that may contribute to declining returns.
But the age-old Inugguit lifestyle is changing fast as the climate warms, disrupting long-held patterns and possibilities and forcing economic challenges as a traditional hunting culture weighs new industries such as fishing and even tourism.
A parasitic copepod- similar to or possibly Salmincola.
Coral degradation, fish species decline and an increase in jellyfish population.
It’s likely a lot of Cowichan Lake residents think there’s plenty of water around for the summer of 2017, given the winter we’ve been having. But, according to Cowichan River watcher Parker Jefferson, “We’re just about where we were last year.”
Traditional knowledge keepers and ADFG identify as a chum salmon.
Global warming has likely caused permanent damage to the world's largest coral reef, according to a new report in the journal Nature.
Hundreds of northern lampfish were observed on Nahku Bay beach. The last die-off occurred in March 2011.
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