Fish and Game issued sport and commercial closures for coho fishing beginning in late summer across the entire Susitna River drainage, northern Cook Inlet and Anchorage. There were also restrictions placed on Kenai Peninsula rivers and streams including the Kenai, Kasilof and the lower Cook Inlet systems. Just last week, on the Kenai River, managers removed the option of sport fishing with bait and reduced the bag limit to one coho.
A family with a 70-year history of setting nets in Cook Inlet has observed significant changes in salmon size and population, with a notable decrease in average earnings for fishermen.
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced preseason fishing limits and closures Thursday as chinook numbers continue to decline. The closure also triggers commercial setnet shutdowns.
So far, the department has counted just under 37,000 fish at the Chilkat weir, well below the 10-year average of 80,000 fish. Zeiser said at this point in the season, it’s doubtful the run will hit the escapement range of 70,000 to 150,000 fish.
12-31-15 Late coho salmon - Klawock, Alaska, USA
11-12-14 Late coho salmon run - Cordova, Alaska, USA
9-24-14 Coho salmon with parasites - New Stuyahok, Alaska, USA