Resident Ravens Disappeared in Early April
Observation: Hey I have a burning question for you fin and feather people. What the heck happened to the Dillingham downtown ravens? They seem to have vanished about six weeks ago. The nest at the GCI dish at Snag Point has been abandoned for the first time in at least 10 years. There is usually a robust set of chicks there by now. There are always dozens of ravens around town somewhere – at AC, the school, the city dock - but I’ve been all over town looking for them 2-3 times without seeing any except out at the dump, and maybe a few singletons here and there. Has anyone heard anything about a raven die-off? There are still some ravens around, but even out at the dump the numbers seem reduced. They’ve always been a big feature of the landscape around our house at Snag Point, and in downtown generally. But they haven’t been around this spring. Observed by Bruce Baltar and posted with help from Sue Flensburg
LEO says: This is our first observation about ravens (Corvus corax) this year. And we have never had an observation about missing ravens. This bird is of course common throughout much of Alaska. See more information on the common raven from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game or the Cornell Lab of Ornithology