6-12-14 Sick Cod - Tununak, Alaska, USA
Observation: A codfish that was caught with a deep cut or sore on it was pulled in by one of the fishermen in the village. We are not really sure what happened to this poor cod, but we think it is unusual. Because we harvest our fish from the sea. Peter Pitka, Brownfield Response Program, Native Village of Tununak
Alaska Department of Fish and Game Consult: This post was forwarded onto Ted Meyers, Fish Pathology Lab, comments that, "the skin lesions on the cod, especially the erosive ulcer on the top of the head, are likely caused from bacterial infection by a marine Flexibacter organism (pg 24-25 in our ADF&G fish disease manual). This bacteria has since been reclassified and given a new name, Tenacibaculum maritimum. It is common in ambient seawater and there are related freshwater species as well. All are opportunistic pathogens that can infect skin which has been previously injured by physical trauma or adverse environmental conditions. The bacteria produce strong proteolytic enzymes that dissolve flesh causing the loss of epidermis with ulceration into the underlying musculature. Secondary infections by other bacteria and fungi in the exposed flesh is a common outcome and large lesions can cause osmoregulatory failure resulting in death of the fish . There are no human health concerns with Tenacibaculum."
LEO says: For more information on fish health please see the ADF&G publication entitled "Disease of wild and cultured fish in Alaska". See also new publication from Yukon Territory entitled Yukon Fish Health Handbook.