Sablefish an unusual catch
Observation: While fishing for halibut at a depth of about 120' we caught a fish species that we had never seen before. Other then halibut we usually catch Irish Lord's and cod. This may be a type of cod but in speaking with other local fisherman, no one was familiar with the species. The types of fish that we catch may be an indication of changes in the marine environment. Anyway, we grilled it up for dinner. It was delicious! Mike Brubaker, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Center for Climate and Health with Zak Hammill.
Alaska Department of Fish and Game Consult: Ted Otis, Fisheries Biologist writes, "That’s a juvenile sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria, also known as black cod). Apparently, there’s a strong year class of sablefish out there as we’re getting semi-regular reports of juveniles this size being caught throughout the area. NOAA staff from Seattle may be coming up in late July to try to tag some of these fish. Thanks for the report."