Observation: Large non-native aquarium based goldfish found in two municipal storm ponds. These invasive goldfish are thriving, over-wintering, and threatening native aquatic species through over competition. As these two storm ponds are directly connected to the Sheep River, though outfalls, these alien species are of high concern to the balance of the Sheep River's ecosystem.
LEO Comment: Goldfish (Carassius auratus) has been introduced worldwide, as discussed in the Global Invasive Species Database. The Invasive Species Council of BC also lists the common carp (Cyprinus carpio), a similar species, as one of their 4 invasive fish species of concern. These do appear to be the former species, as the observer suggested. Alberta's 2015 Aquatic Invasive Species Annual Report also discusses goldfish and Prussian carp as spreading in Alberta's waterways. Personnel from the Government of Alberta have been contacted for a consultation.