11-20-14 Unusual jellyfish - Togiak, Alaska, USA
Observation: Coast of Togiak, down the beach, at least three miles away. This extremely large jellyfish is very unlike Togiak's own jellyfish! Quite possibly this could be a new species of migratory jellyfish species due to climate change. We haven't seen this type of jellyfish around here and would like to know if this might be an invasive species. Brian Abraham, Environmental Coordinator, LEO & Aeshia Upton, Environmental Program Assistant, Traditional Council of Togiak.
Auke Bay Labs Consult: Kristin Cieciel, Marine Biologist, writes, "I believe this is a Cyanea (genus), Lions mane. My guess would be capillata or maybe nozakii for species but I can't be sure, I would need to see both sides. Cool picture with the kids, you should consider recording your sighting on jellywatch.org." Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries