9-04-15 Swainson's thrush - Wales, Alaska, USA
Observation: Observed this tiny bird approximately 4-5 inches tall in my shop this afternoon. Greenish yellow plumage. Past few years have been seeing more and more birds that are not normally found in our region, (so far north). With the advent of more non native birds and insects species, you can see climate change occurring right before our eyes. What species of bird is this and is this particular bird commonly seen this far north? Brit Oxereok, Wales Native Corporation, Land Manager
Alaska Audubon Consult: Beth Peluso, Communications Manager writes, that a little more research is to be done to link climate change and birds. 09/05/14; Beth P. "I don’t recognize it immediately, and that area is so close to Siberia, it could be an Asian species. With birds migrating at this time of year, many odd bird sightings are possible! Sometimes they get blown off course, or a young bird might take an unusual route on its first migration."
Institute of Marine Science Consult: Dean Stockwell, Biological Oceanography writes, "Your mystery bird kind of looks like a Swainson's thrush (Catharus ustulatus). It is found in the interior. Too bad we couldn't see the bird from the front, they have spotted chest." (University of Alaska Fairbanks)
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