7-21-13 Tiger moth - St. Mary's, Alaska, USA
Observation: Moth not seen or noticed before by me or those that were with me at the time. I'd say its length is about one and half of a 25 cent coin. Closest match found on the internet is the "tiger moth" (Arctia caja). According to "bugguide.net", if this is a tiger moth, its range has been moving away from the south and towards the north with climate change as a possible factor. Richard Alstrom
Alaska Lepidoptera Club Consult (ALC), Dr. Kendelm W. Philip writes: "This is the Arctiid moth Arctia opulenta. St. Mary's is a new site record--but this species is also widely distributed in the state, from the North Slope to the Seward Peninsula, Round Island, King Salmon, Kodiak Island, Talkeetna Mts., and Chugach Mts. I am sure it will be found in many other sites--it just needs people who are prepared to look for these things…" ALC, Metamorphosed from the Alaska Lepidoptera Survey