We invite you to join us for the next Alaska LEO Network webinar TODAY Tuesday, August 20th, 2019 from 2:00-3:30pm. LEO webinars provide an exciting learning experience and connect local observers and organizations from across Alaska to discuss current and emerging environmental changes.
1:45pm - Conference Line Opens
2:00pm - Welcome, Agenda Review
2:05pm - LEO Observation Review and Discussion
2:45pm - Presentation
Stephanie Quinn-Davidson, Director of the Yukon River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
The extreme heat event in early July had far reaching impacts across the state of Alaska. This presentation will provide a brief overview of the observed Yukon River chum salmon die-off event, primarily on the Koyukuk River, which coincided with the record temperatures. The die-off was initially reported by social media and then corroborated by local monitoring, followed by a more official survey by fisheries scientists from our organization, ADFG, and UAF.
*All LEO webinars are recorded and archived on the LEO Website.
Thank you LEO Network members for joining us in the August webinar.
The LEO Team at ANTHC