LEO webinars provide an exciting learning experience and connect local observers and organizations from across Alaska to discuss current and emerging environmental changes.
1:45pm - Conference Line Opens
2:00pm - Welcome, Agenda Review
2:10pm - LEO Observation Review
2:20pm - Open Sharing *New* This is a time for attendees to speak up and share their own observations
2:30pm - Presentation
The Extreme Sea Ice Season: 2017-2018
Robert Tokeinna, Wales IGAP
Cynthia Paniyak, Chevak Native Village
Rick Thoman, Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy
Description: During the winter of 2017-2018, the Bering Sea experienced the lowest sea ice coverage in at last 160 years. This presentation will provide an overview of winter sea ice conditions from LEO Members, with additional climate and weather information provided by Rick Thoman. We welcome additional discussion and observations from webinar attendees.