Appears to be smothering all aquatic plant life.
Observation: The algae observed resembles "rock snot" seen in southern parts of Alaska, the temperature of water is warmer due to low water levels. It appears to be smothering all aquatic plant life within the ponds. The algae has completely covered two of the three village ponds. It appears to thrive as the water temperature is rising.
LEO says: Aquatic plants and pond water quality can be important indicators for environmental change. The algae can affect fish, birds and wildlife and also can be of human health concern when it is in a source used for drinking, swimming or wash water. Identification of algae and other aquatic plants is sometimes possible using a photo. For an online aquatic plant identification tool see Aqua Plant Diagnostic tool from Texas A&M. The UAF Cooperative Extension Service staff is also very helpful in consulting with LEO Network on algae blooms. There is no photo available for this observation, but Brandie is going to get one next summer (if possible) and we can try then to identify the species.