Observed fast moving weather system... as quickly as it came it abated.
Observation: On Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at about 4:02 PM, I observed hail coming down that lasted for about a minute and as quickly as it came it abated. Afterwards, I took some photos of the cloud formations at about a minute after the event and then two more within about 5 minutes and about 43 minutes, respectively. From the dark clouds at time zero to about 5 minutes after, you can see a vast change not only in cloud volume but in coloration from a dark grey to a lighter shade of it. It was like a spike of an weather event with a short duration and vast change in cloud formation.
LEO says: We have forwarded this observation to the National Weather Service for their monitoring of extreme weather events. Also see the connected LEO Project hosted by Rick Thoman at NWS Unseasonable or Extreme Weather events.
a. Start of hail @ 4:02 PM (Photo by John Henry)
b. Hail on ground @ 4:02 PM (Photo by John Henry)
c. Cloud volume characteristic 4:03 PM (Photo by John Henry)
d. End of hail - on ground 4:03 PM (Photo by John Henry)
e. Cloud volume 5min after end of hail 4:08 PM (Photo by John Henry)
f. Cloud volume 43min after end of hail 4:46 PM (Photo by John Henry)