LEO Network

Selawik, Alaska, United States

We performed a survey of community water lines to see how permafrost thaw and sinking foundations may be impacting homes, water and waste water systems. During the June visit we saw where foundation sinking was putting stress on pipe runs and junctions. Now in the winter we see evidence of freeze up in some of the homes where the junction boxes have been compromised, gaps in the insulation seal, and resulting freeze up and overflow of water.

Arctic pipe services connections to main.
M. Brubaker
Sewage Lagoon - Falling Fence from thawing and erosion.
M. Brubaker
Sewage Lagoon - Broken waste water line (see lake side end) from sinking foundation / supports.
M. Brubaker
Pipe junction break repair - pipe wrapped with caribou hide for insulation
M. Brubaker
Snyder Family Home with sinking service line due to thawing. 8-11
M. Brubaker
Same home November - a sinking and leaning services line. 11-11
M. Brubaker
Home services line freeze up. 11-11
M. Brubaker

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Selawik, Alaska