10-15 13 Too wet for food preservation - Elim, Alaska, USA
Observation: A long period of rainy weather has made dried subsistence winter food storage vulnerable such as beluga meat, fish, etc. Too much rain not dry enough to dehydrate meat. So I have to go to step B, either freeze the meat until it quits raining and hang them back on my drying rack, or use a dehydrator to dry the meat. This beluga meat is one of the staples my family eats to sustain us through the long cold winter months. Judith Daniels
LEO says: This observation has been added to the LEO Map archives with other important observations about the security and safety of subsistence food resources. The map link for this observation was shared with the ANTHC Wellness Program and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game Subsistence Division, the Marine Advisory Program agent in Nome Alaska, the Norton Sound Health Corporation and Kawerak.