Heavy rains and flooding.
Observation: This photo shows 5th avenue. I was standing outside my office and thought this was a great pic to show the water flooding the streets of Nome after a rain episode The weather was mild and rainy for January 31st . It was unusual because our temps are usually below zero this time of year and it was raining. It made people realize climate change is for real and this is happening, people were wondering how it will affect berries, etc. and how the birds were coming out too early, it confused everyone and also the animals. This occurrence of rain was very unusual for Nome this time of year and this pic speaks a thousand words, rain, clear, like spring time on the last day of January when it is supposed to be below zero. I hope the events planned will still happen such as the Iron Dog race and also the Iditarod races. We shall see what else Mother Nature has in store for us.